Outside my window... it is wet. It's been rainy here this week...and my grass is in desperate need of a mowing. Hopefully tomorrow it will be dry enough to do that! Not that I am complaining...we need the moisture.
I am thinking... about what I need to get packed for my trip to see my family next week.
I am thankful... for my husband and each of my children...no matter how hectic it gets around here!
In the kitchen... the kitchen is closed for the night. :)
I am wearing... a pink t-shirt, purple wrap-a-round skirt, socks, crocs, and a bracelet. No earrings today. Bad me! lol
I am creating... coffee mug cosies. I made one last night and loved how it turned out! Now, I would like to make some for my Etsy shop.
I am going... to visit my family next week for 4 days. DH is staying home with the children so I can have a nice relaxing visit with a break from Mommy-hood. :) He's a keeper!
I am wondering... just how messy the house will be when I return! *gulp*
I am reading... "Sink Reflections" by FlyLady
I am hoping... that next week doesn't fly by too quickly. :D
I am looking forward to... the train ride to my family's. I love riding the train!
I am learning... to calm down and not allow my perfectionism to take over. Babysteps.
Around the house... things are a lot cleaner lately thanks to more energy and FlyLady chat! I love those ladies!
I am pondering... 1 John 1...I'm trying to re-memorize it.
A favorite quote for today... "Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family!" ~FlyLady
One of my favorite things... is the feeling a baby arms around my neck. There's nothing sweeter!
A few plans for the rest of the week: ~pack for the trip ~get laundry caught up so DH has enough clothes for the kids while I am gone ~get the house cleaned up...although I'm not sure why...it'll be trashed by the time I get back :)
A peek into my day... this morning we drove into town to borrow a skid steer which DH is going to use to help his parents do some yard work next week. Then we went out to eat...the first time in a while with all the kids! After that we came home, DH went to work, littles went down for naps, olders started school and I watch a movie on my computer in between helping the kids with their papers.
Todays pictures...the coffee mug cozy I made last night!
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