
Monday, September 19, 2011

Neat Idea for Menu Planning!

As I was browsing through some blog posts, I came across this really neat idea for a weekly menu plan! "Menu Planning Board, Take 2" by This Mom's Happy Life

~Mrs. C

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meal Planning Printout

I just wanted to share with you my favorite meal planning template. For the free printout click HERE. Enjoy!

~Mrs. C

Simplify Your Life

A blog I enjoy reading has a giveaway going on for a Habits and Rewards Workshop...a $59 value. Click HERE to check it out!

~Mrs. C

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Baby/Toddler Menu Planner

I found this really neat tool on the Gerber website for creating a menu for a baby or toddler. I don't know about you, but when my babies get to that stage where they start eating foods I get a little nervous wondering if I am feeding them right. Even though Fay is my fourth child I still feel a little inept when it comes to making sure she is getting the right foods. Anyway here is the link for that Menu Planner. Hope you enjoy it...I did! I won't be necessarily following their menu exactly, but it gives me a good idea on what she needs anyway!

God bless!
~Mrs. C

Introducing Us! (Again...kind of...)

For the sake of privacy I will call myself "Mrs. C ". While I will be giving "screen names" to myself and my family, please know I will be completely honest with everything else I post. :)

Here is a little bit about us. I am 27 and the mother of four beautiful children. My husband "Mr. C" and I have been married for 8 1/2 years. Our oldest child (boy), "JB" is 7 years old. Our second child (boy), "L" is 6 years old. Our third child (girl), "Jewel" is 5 years old. Our youngest (girl), "Fay" is 11 1/2 months old...she is flying towards that first birthday!

We are a homeschool family. We live in the country...which our children and my husband love. I sometimes think the kids would stay cleaner if we lived in I enjoy the country too. We have two cats, one dog, and six chickens. That is pretty much the extent of our "livestock". :-D

Well, that's it for now. Have a blessed day!

Mrs. C