
Friday, November 11, 2011

My November Daybook

Outside my window... The sun is shining, the fall leaves are piling up (in the areas we actually have trees :) ) and I think this will be one of the last warm days this fall. I'm hoping I am wrong. :)

I am thinking... that my one year old really needs to fall asleep already!! She has been babbling in her crib for about an least she is happy. She's been teething lately, thus my cheerful little girl has turned into a little bear-cat.

I am thankful...
  • For my beautiful children
  • For a beautiful day
  • That my husband got a nice buck this morning...not that that means his hunting will slow down...he'll find something else to hunt! lol
  • That this pregnancy is going smoothly so far
  • My life in's pretty good. :)

From the learning rooms... Not much today...hoping to catch up over the weekend. School has been going soooo much smoother though now that we have BJU HomeSat!

In the kitchen... I made homemade French Breakfast Muffins this morning for breakfast and they were so good! (Maybe I'll share the recipe sometime...if I remember!)

I am wearing... a jean maternity skirt from Motherhood, a blue 3/4 sleeve maternity shirt with "Mother to be Club...New Arrival Coming Soon in huge letters...and a very cute mother bear pushing her baby bunny (?) in a carriage. I think this shirt was created back when my mother was pregnant with me but hey! It's comfy! :-D

I am creating... a new life. Well, actually, God is...but He is using me to do it!

I am going... nowhere. We went to town earlier today to take DH's deer to the meat market. Then we picked up a couple pizzas for lunch. Yum!

I am wondering... Who ever figured out how to cram all the vitamins you need for the day into one little pill? Or is it really the biggest scam of all time? LOL

I am reading... "Whence Came A Prince" by Liz Curtis Higgs

I am hoping... for twins :-D

I am looking forward to... going shopping this weekend!

I am hearing... bumps and bangs coming from upstairs where my children are playing.

Around the house... things are looking cleaner than normal now that my children are getting old enough to join in with the housework!

I am pondering... the many verses in the New Testament that promise answered prayer

One of my favorite things... a clean house and school done for the the same time!

A few plans for the rest of the week: shopping...a prenatal appointment next week...not much else besides school, school, school!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing... A simple skirt I made last week for my 5 year old daughter.

Check out the simple woman's daybook

November's Decluttering Project...DONE!!!

I got it all tidied up!!! It's not my idea of  "perfect"...but it is way better, and waiting to do it "perfectly" was interfering with simple getting it done!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November's Declutter Project

The counter/desk in my laundry room/scrapbooking room has become this-

So this is my current focus of decluttering! Do you have a specific surface that is driving you nuts? Please share!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Neat Idea for Menu Planning!

As I was browsing through some blog posts, I came across this really neat idea for a weekly menu plan! "Menu Planning Board, Take 2" by This Mom's Happy Life

~Mrs. C

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meal Planning Printout

I just wanted to share with you my favorite meal planning template. For the free printout click HERE. Enjoy!

~Mrs. C

Simplify Your Life

A blog I enjoy reading has a giveaway going on for a Habits and Rewards Workshop...a $59 value. Click HERE to check it out!

~Mrs. C

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Baby/Toddler Menu Planner

I found this really neat tool on the Gerber website for creating a menu for a baby or toddler. I don't know about you, but when my babies get to that stage where they start eating foods I get a little nervous wondering if I am feeding them right. Even though Fay is my fourth child I still feel a little inept when it comes to making sure she is getting the right foods. Anyway here is the link for that Menu Planner. Hope you enjoy it...I did! I won't be necessarily following their menu exactly, but it gives me a good idea on what she needs anyway!

God bless!
~Mrs. C

Introducing Us! (Again...kind of...)

For the sake of privacy I will call myself "Mrs. C ". While I will be giving "screen names" to myself and my family, please know I will be completely honest with everything else I post. :)

Here is a little bit about us. I am 27 and the mother of four beautiful children. My husband "Mr. C" and I have been married for 8 1/2 years. Our oldest child (boy), "JB" is 7 years old. Our second child (boy), "L" is 6 years old. Our third child (girl), "Jewel" is 5 years old. Our youngest (girl), "Fay" is 11 1/2 months old...she is flying towards that first birthday!

We are a homeschool family. We live in the country...which our children and my husband love. I sometimes think the kids would stay cleaner if we lived in I enjoy the country too. We have two cats, one dog, and six chickens. That is pretty much the extent of our "livestock". :-D

Well, that's it for now. Have a blessed day!

Mrs. C